Intercom Plus Help?

I recently started a pharmacy tech job at Walgreens. It is a very busy pharmacy so it has been hard to stop and take notes. Does anyone know tips they can give me for using the Intercom Plus system? Like what are the most important things for me to learn to do with the function keys? How do I get to these tasks on IC+? Any help would be appreciated.

Apr 14, 2021
by: Anonymous

Does anyone have all the steps listed when entering a prescription in F1? New to pharmacy, about 3 or 4 months now. I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the amount of information that I have to learn while actually working at the same time. I am not new to Walgreens. Just the pharmacy. I’m not as young as everyone else I work with and I feel really dumb. Thanks!
Aug 12, 2019
Help please
by: Anonymous

I have a silly question. Would appreciate if anyone can teach me step by step how to register a new patient at intercom plus. Thanks
Oct 16, 2018
pharmacist at walgreens
by: Anonymous

1. best way to learn is on the job
2. Insurance billing will come, just takes time
3. rejections the same as #2
4. USE the alt button and QUICK codes…it’ll be worth it as speedy
5. use the “+” WHENEVER possible it means “take 1 capsule/tablet etc by mouth” or dissolve or w/e the quick code it pre-defined as (you can see this under the drug info”
6. learn “zit250” “tyl3” and “AMO500” for popular drugs you use
7. 1- = box size , e.g 3- = 3 boxes
8. FANCY can break a COB in the work que…just highlight it, use control and use the up arrow or down arrow then go up/down to another NON-cob RX then click “update RX”
9. you can “break” a COB on a rejection by modifying a patient demographic then going back to the script
10. so many dumb tricks…
Oct 12, 2017
Use keyboard short cuts, ALT key is your friend
by: Anonymous

Use the keyboard shortcuts when navigating intercom plus. You will move through it much faster if you press ALT + P then X than if you use the mouse.
Insurance can be tricky and sometimes even the insurance companies themselves have issues. If it doesn’t go through first check the error message and see if it is a person code. Try adding the person code to the end of the id number, add or remove letters from the id number.
Also, if it says Drug not covered, sometimes you can send for a prior authorization even though it doesnt prompt you.
If you haven’t seen the Intercom Plus training software (on several CDs) then ask for it and see if you watch it along with specific pharmacy training on workflow.
Jun 28, 2017
intercom plus
by: Anonymous
The above link is a pdf document about intercom plus that was put together by Emily Moore.
Mar 05, 2017
New Des hitter
by: Moore

Most def. !
Dec 23, 2016
really struggling @ walgreens
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your offer to help. My biggest issue is trying to figure out the different insurance plan info … the part that isn’t on the patient’s card and the tricks you need to know to get it to bill properly. Also discount cards and coupons. These are things that no one has time (or interest) to teach you and there is no manual. Some coupons have to be billed after primary insurance and others can be billed by themselves. It’s so confusing!! I agree with everyone else. This is not a learn as you go business. I find that dangerous. Thanks again for your offer to help.
Mar 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

I just emailed you Emma.
Yes, I have to say This may be the one thing that makes me drop this whole externship process…I dont like having to learn on the job without the proper training. I am scouring the internet for info on this system. I am ready to go to my 3rd day of externing and dragging myself to it.
Mar 29, 2016
I think its BS, I have had no official training as well
by: Anonymous

I called before I go again for my 3rd day of externing, and asked the manager if the training system for the Intercom plus was working yet?!?!?! No, he stated, the Pharmacist says you will learn by doing it.
are you serious!?!?!?

First off, I am semi retired and teach for a living, and throwing someone in a pool to teach them to swim is only effective a very small percentage of the time.

I have thank goodness found some folks who have drafted their own training guides online. I am accessing them and thanking them left and right and meanwhile trying to find another externship..
Mar 07, 2016
Is this software used in other pharmacies?
by: Anonymous

I’ve started Walgreen’s as well. Is their software used in other pharmacies? Can the software be purchased for training on our own time. Any help would be great. Tyvm
Jan 03, 2016
Need more resources
by: Emma

I would like to start a blog or resource site specifically for Walgreen’s pharmacy techs. I’m just considering if it would be worth it. Please email emmagalbraith96 (at) if you have any Walgreen’s ic+ questions and I will answer and make a post about it. I’d love to know if there’s anyone out there who’s interested, genuinely interested and passionate about learning how to be a better tech at Walgreens.
Oct 13, 2015
thinking of quitting
by: Anonymous

I just started working at walgreens two weeks ago and you learn as you go, it’s so frustrating I feel so lost.
Apr 11, 2015
by: t torres

I too just started at walgreens pharmacy and I’ve noticed that there is no time for training and they teach as if you know the system already. Not good, I would love to learn and become more knowledgeable but there is no time. When I ask they say to open up storenet and log into the learning app but there is never time and when I log in the app never loads.

Talk about damned. I wish that there was a text reference, I would even take the time to learn on my own time, but none the less there is no such thing. Anyone having this problem and if so does anyone know where to look up helpful info about intercom plus system and about third party rejects and resolution codes and procedures. Please help, thanks in advance.
Feb 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

Thank you. It was so kind of you to take the time. I am just reading this now and it is very late. But I will go back and reread again and make sure I understand what you said. Thanks
Feb 09, 2014
Don’t use the mouse.
by: Anonymous

I’ve worked for Walgreens for 2 yrs and now I work for Duane Reade for 3 yrs.(which pay sucks, Walgreens way better) try ur best to not use the mouse. U will move slit faster by using just the keyboard. Learn the functions of each F1 F2 etc.and if u look at each word on the screen for example the world Application the letter A will have a line under it or the word Refill I think the F is underlined to get to these spots hold down I think shift or ctrl and the letter that is underlined and y will be taken their right away as if u was using the mouse to click on it.

U can move around the whole system like this with out touching the mouse. Use tab to move from each space whole typing rx and shift tab together to go back while typing rx. Always keep ur eye on the flometer make sure u don’t have any waiters if u do and ur not at the register stop doing what ur doing and do the waiter weather it’s typing or filling it.

If it’s too soon don’t leave it in tpr then ur numbers will be to high if it’s a new rx call the pt and let them know when the ins will pay for it and tell them u will put it on hold and they just have to call that day and we will fill it. If it’s a refill put the rx back on their profile and put it on automatic refill just press F8 which will bring u to their med profile then on the bottom press auto refill then click the right med in the new window and let the pt know that it will fill by it’s self on such date and they do t have to call back just come in and pick it up. Well I can sit here all day telling more ways to be able to work faster. Just try these out and u will do great every thing is with time what ever questions u have always ask the pharmacist they rather u ask and learn then guess and they have to fix ur mistake.

Good luck. Don’t leave Walgreens and regret leaving Walgreens – Duane Reade treats their employees badly. Even though Walgreens owns Duane Reade, Duane Reade doesn’t get the same benefits as Walgreens, we are like the step child.

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