Ohio Pharmacy Technician License Info

Looking for Ohio pharmacy technician license information? Following are the important facts you need to know about certification of pharmacy technicians in Ohio.

Updated in 2022!

Does Ohio regulate pharmacy technicians?


Is certification required to practice in Ohio?

Only for CERTIFIED pharmacy technician registration. Not for REGISTERED pharmacy technician registration.

What certification exam(s) is/are approved by the state?


When is registration required?

Before being able to practice as a pharmacy technician.

Is licensure required?

Yes, you will need a valid Ohio pharmacy technician license to practice in the state.

What do I have to do to become a pharmacy technician in Ohio?

  • Be 18 years old or older.
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Submit to a criminal background check. In the interest of public safety, Ohio requires two criminal background checks: one by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, and one by the FBI.
  • Pass a Board-approved technician exam. (You may work as a pharmacy technician for up to 12 months without passing a Board-approved exam, providing you are studying for and intend to take the exam.)

Is training required?

Yes, the supervising pharmacist oversees on-the-job training and keeps the appropriate records of the training.

Are there Continuing Education (CE) requirements?

No. If you are nationally certified, however, maintaining your certification requires CE (20 units of continuing education every two years).

How often is renewal required?

For CERTIFIED technicians, renewal started in August 2020. A certified technician is required to maintain their certification. If the technician does not want to maintain their certification, they will be required to re-apply for licensure as a REGISTERED technician.

For REGISTERED technicians, renewal started in January 2020. The renewal fee for registered technicians is $50.

What should I do if I change jobs or change my home address?

Report the change to the Board.

Other good info to know about Ohio’s pharmacy tech requirements

  • A technician may only perform pharmacy functions that do not require professional judgment.
  • The supervising pharmacist (or pharmacist-in-charge) is responsible for all actions of the pharmacy technician.

Essential Contact Info for the Ohio Pharmacy Technician

Ohio State Board of Pharmacy

Office: 77 S High St, Room 1702
Columbus, OH 43215-6126
Telephone: 614-466-4143
Fax: 614-752-4836

Professional Association for Ohio Pharmacy Technicians:

Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA)
Ohio State Flag
Be a proud Ohio pharmacy technician!

Ohio Q & A

Background Check: Grandfather Clause

by Anonymous

Ohio law has a GRANDFATHER CLAUSE to the criminal background check. If a person has been employed as a pharmacy tech for a continuous period of 5 yrs for the same employer, that person is exempt from a background check. This was in the well-known Emily’s Law in OHIO.

From PharmacyTechPros.com: Thanks for this information! We’re sure others will appreciate the additional info.

Pharmacist to Technician Ratio in Ohio?

Is there a pharmacist-to-technician ratio requirement in Ohio?

Response from PharmacyTechPros: Ohio’s Board of Pharmacy doesn’t make this information readily available on their website. We called them and they state that because they do not license pharmacy technicians, they have no minimum ratio requirement of pharmacists to technicians.

As far as the actual ratio the Bureau of Labor Statistics keeps track of this. As of early 2022 their latest nationwide statistics are from May 2020, where the BLS have 12 940 pharmacists and 17 090 pharmacy technicians listed as employed in the state of Ohio. This comes out to a ratio of about 1:1.3 although this has to be taken with a grain of salt, due to the lack of official stats from the state.

BLS stats for pharmacy technicians

BLS stats for pharmacists

Comments for Pharmacist to Technician Ratio in Ohio?
Sep 21, 2017
by: alleymartin

You will certainly see how hard a pharmacist functions by being a tech. You will likewise see how hard it is to be a tech for as meager powder they get paid. Pharmacists used to be a generously compensated employment yet not so any longer considering how much school is included. Better in Rad. Tech or working in a heart Dr’s offish. Substantially less work. Pharm tech. s best fiery remains.

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